Business Acquisition Attorneys in Baltimore, Maryland


Phone: 410.752.2468

Email: [email protected]

Address: 25 South Charles Street, Suite 2015, Baltimore, MD 21201, United States

Ballard Spahr

Attorney: Jacob Dachs

Phone: 410.528.5548

Email: [email protected]

About Business Acquisition Law

Business acquisition law involves the legal aspects of purchasing or merging with another business. This area covers due diligence, negotiating terms, drafting purchase agreements, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Lawyers specializing in business acquisitions help clients navigate the complexities of acquiring or merging with another company. Specialisms within business acquisition law include asset purchases, stock purchases, and mergers.

Lawyers in this field must be knowledgeable about corporate law, contract law, and antitrust regulations. Common clients are businesses of all sizes looking to expand through acquisitions, as well as investors seeking to buy companies. These clients require legal expertise to conduct thorough due diligence, negotiate favorable terms, and ensure that all legal and regulatory requirements are met. Business acquisition lawyers help draft and review agreements, facilitate negotiations, and manage the legal aspects of the transaction to ensure a smooth and successful acquisition process..